The Connected Film Festival. Connect with Indie Film. Tampa Bay, Florida.
Featured independent film 01.Featured independent film 02.Featured independent film 03.Featured independent film 04.Featured independent film 05.Featured independent film 06.Featured independent film 07.Featured independent film 08.Featured independent film 09.Featured independent film 10.Featured independent film 11.Featured independent film 12.Featured independent film 13.Featured independent film 14.Featured independent film 15.Featured independent film 16.





As of October 4, 2023, these Channels are not yet opened, as all of the films on the Connected Film Festival are in the Featured Film thumbnails above and below; we have 16 films screening on this site at the moment. When we start adding more films and the film reviews associated with them at the rate of at least four per week later this month, we will begin to open up the channels.

This section is currently in beta. We reserve the right to make changes with no warning.

ALL FILMS / ALL CHANNELS - All films in our online film festival are listed, with the latest additions at the top.

SHOWCASE FILMS CHANNEL - The top picks of the films now showing on our online film festival. Listed with scores from us and you, this is more than a contest, and we have special plans for this later this year.

DRAMA FILMS CHANNEL - These films can be done on small budgets, and often make great films when the writing and acting are done well. A director and an editor make or break such films, as pacing is critical.

COMEDY FILMS CHANNEL - Another common type of film done by indie filmmakers, but seldom done right here in Tampa Bay.

ROMANCE FILMS CHANNEL - We'd like to see more of this being done by indie film makers, as the stories are often superior.

HORROR FILMS CHANNEL - A common genre for indie film in Tampa Bay, and a hard one to get right despite all of the work being done.

SCIENCE FICTION FILMS CHANNEL - Not as expensive to do as you might think. Another genre that should be done more, and if the filmmaker experiments with things such as animation, no compromises are needed on small budgets.

ACTION FILMS CHANNEL - A common genre which is not so common with indie filmmaking due to stunt work and extra overhead.

MUSIC VIDEOS CHANNEL - We predicted that these would be the most popular type of indie film produced in Tampa back in 2007. Sure enough, within months it came true.

EXPERIMENTAL FILMS CHANNEL - Indie films which don't quite fit into other categories. With smaller budgets, this genre should be a strength for indie filmmaking and we predict a strong future with filmmakers doing more experiments in film.

INTERVIEWS FILM CHANNEL - Tampa film festival interviews and interviews with Tampa Bay, and Florida, filmakers, indie film professionals, and talent.

DOCUMENTARY FILM CHANNEL - Documentary films, which seem to be popular in the Tampa indie film market. These films will make you think and are good, providing the viewpoints nad interviews are balanced, and they allow the audience to make up their mind instead of leading them to a conclusion.

INDIE FILM GRAVEYARD CHANNEL - Films which no longer play, or have technical issues, and need to be fixed at their file hosting site (Youtube, Vimeo, etc) by the filmmakers. Films may be returned to the other relevant channels if the issues are resolved and they can be played again, although they are subject to removal from our featured film section if they were originally there (the 14 thumbnails arrayed at the top of the site are our featured films, and they are featured on every page on this site. It is a privilege and an honor to be featured here, as these films are our picks for some of the best, most unique, or most interesting films from the online film festival), never to be featured again, and the showcase competition score may be reset if they are in the Graveyard too long, which could keep it from returning to the Showcase Channel until viewer votes build up its score and return it there. If films cease to be playable on the online film festival because a filmmaker did something with the source file, it is sent here on hold to maintain its position in searches; the filmmakers are given a chance to fix the file, and the search results which yield a film which will not play should inspire them to do the right thing. Filmmakers which continue to delete files without warning, jeopardizing the integrity of our playlist, may be banned from future submissions, which include submissions to all of the film festival events of Tampa Bay Film (Including, but not limited to, the Tampa Film Showcase monthly film festival and professional networking event series, the Frontier Film Festival, and the Reverence Film Festival. Banned filmmakers will also not be eligible to participate with our other Tampa indie film events, which include, but are not limited to, the Tampa Film Conference, as well as being a part of the Tampa Film Community professional Tampa filmmaker, filmmaking, and talent association.
Please Note: the films in the Graveyard Channel do not play, which is probably the reason that they are in the Graveyard in the first place, so please do not try to play them and send us emails indicating that the films do not work, as these films are not selectable from our general playlist or other channels! If you are upset that the films will not play, please find, contact, and complain to the filmmakers, as it is up to them to fix their films and make them available for you to watch on the Tampa Bay Film Online Film Festival! FOR REFERENCE ONLY!

INDIE FILM DUMPSTER - Please excuse the flies and the stench of rotten films, but we have to put out the garbage somewhere. The opposite of our indie film showcase channel, the indie film dumpster channel contains the worst films, and the lowest rated independent films, on the online film festival. Our editors go over the lowest rated, and the worst films, playing on the online film festival, and we choose what goes in the dumpster, although the films are still selectable from the main channel and relevant genre channels (If we get a lot of complaints about a film from our viewers, this will also send a film to the dumpster). For those who wish to learn from the mistakes of other filmmakers, or simply to play for their unintended humor. Please click on the review links, which lead to the relevant review on the Tampa Film Review Tampa Bay Film site, for more on what makes these films suck! You can return to the online film festival and resume watching the film from a link on the review on the review site.

INDIE FILM INDUSTRY TUTORIALS CHANNEL - Tutorials films on indie film production, indie film promotion, and indie film marketing for Tampa filmmakers. A free online indie film workshop and film school for aspiring filmmakers and professional filmmakers to use as a indie film production resource.

THE RICK DANFORD CHANNEL - An indie film channel celebrating the films of Tampa filmmaker Rick Danford, Enigma Films, and Renegade Films.

The Connected Film Festival has indie films organized into genre channels. The most recent films added are at the top of all listings. Our main Tampa indie film channel lists all films playing in our online film festival, regardless of genre.
The Showcase channel is a special one here on the Connected Film Festival. Those who are looking for the best indie films only have to look at our Showcase, as only the most highly rated films are listed there. Indie films in our Showcase channel are determined by our editors and by the scores given by our Connected Film Festival viewers. It is an ongoing indie film competition where only the best films survive. The overall score associated with the Showcase indie films are displayed in our Showcase channel, and the best films are listed first.
To vote for a film so it can be considered for our showcase, click on the RATE FILM link above the film and send us your score, as well as which film you are voting on.
Check out the following Tampa indie film channels. We will add more indie film genre channels as they are needed.

We show all types of independent film, which are assigned a primary defining genre category and are organized this way. Types of film shown include, but are not limited to, the following formats; Live action films, animation, anime, flash animation, music videos, digital comic, interactive video, and more.

01. All Films
02. Showcase Films Channel
03. Drama Films Channel
04. Comedy Films Channel
05. Romance Films Channel
06. Horror Films Channel
07. Science Fiction Films Channel
08. Fantasy Films Channel
09. Action Films Channel
10. Music Videos Channel
11. Documentary Films Channel
12. Experimental Films Channel
13. Interview Channel
14. Independent Film Graveyard
15. Independent Film Dumpster
16. Independent Film Industry Channel
17. Filmmakers Channels

PUBLISHED 10/04/23

UPDATED 10/04/23/1000/1210/1254/

© Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.


Featured independent film 01.Featured independent film 02.Featured independent film 03.Featured independent film 04.Featured independent film 05.Featured independent film 06.Featured independent film 07.Featured independent film 08.Featured independent film 09.Featured independent film 10.Featured independent film 11.Featured independent film 12.Featured independent film 13.Featured independent film 14.Featured independent film 15.Featured independent film 16.


The Connected Film Festival is a free online film festival and film festival and professional networking event series available at no charge, supporting independent film. Connect With Indie Film. Your films deserve to be seen.

© Copyright 2006 - 2024 Indie Film Auteur, Tampa Bay Indie Film, Connected Film Festival. All rights reserved. Presented as-is, with no guarantees expressed or implied. Informational use only. The Connected Film Festival, our affiliates, our sponsors, our contributors, and our advertisers are not legally liable for the content on this web site, and use of any content waives us from liability. Anyone using the content on this site or attempting anything described on this site assumes all legal and civil liability. Please be familiar with with your local laws before using this site. Information on the Connected Film Festival site is not to be taken as legal advice or advice which may be covered under any licensed or regulated profession. Opinions expressed on this web site are those of the individual contributor and may not be shared by other contributors or businesses who may be involved with this web site or our online community. The Connected Film Festival is a free, no-obligation professional independent film and talent resource and film festival web site operated from Tampa, Florida, by a team of professional freelance and agency-represented talent. For more, please read our Disclaimer.


11/19/23/1100/1251/ - Updated header graphic and the main menu. Adding sections and content. Preparing to add more independent films later this week. Assing reviews. Working on a logo, which should debut on another header update before the end of the month. The logo is needed for support graphics.

11/09/23/1403 - Adding content to content already online to prepare for the addition of more independent films.

10/04/23/1730 - Connected Film Festival online.

10/01/23 - Completed the design and began assembling the Connected Film Festival. Integrating content.

© Copyright 2006-2024 Connected Film Festival. All rights reserved